
Pokemon GO: February 2022 Research Breakthrough Rewards

The month of February is here, and with it, brand new Field Research and Field Research Breakthroughs in Pokemon Go. Espurr is the star of the show this month. You will have a chance to catch this Psychic-type Pokemon by completing the Field Research Breakthrough. Plus, the Field Research throughout the month has loads of rewards in store. From now until March 1, the following rewards are up for grabs.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons – What to do After K.K. Slider Visits

We’re coming up on the end of everyone’s first month in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. If you’ve been playing every day like myself then you should either be close or already past the point where K.K. Slider comes to visit your town. This feels like the end goal of the game in a lot of ways, with the credits rolling as K.K. plays his best song yet. But after the credits end the game continues, without giving you much direction for where to go from here.